Sunday, December 28, 2008


Each night when we go to bed, we take a few minutes to look at Jude as he sleeps and consider how blessed we are. I've been told all parents do this. I don't really know. All I can tell you is that we do it, no matter how exhausted we are. Anyhow, when we turned the lights out last night, I said to Matthew, "So, what do you think of this life God has given us?"
He responded, "I love it."
"Even when it's hard?" I asked.
"Still love it, even when it's hard."

It was great to hear him respond that way. He is my leader, the head of our household. We are partners, but at the end of the day before God it is he who takes responsibility for the decisions and direction of our family. He feels the pressure of providing and leading and teaching our son and...he loves it. That sure does a wife's heart good!

We don't want to give the impression that our life is without challenge. It isn't. We have all kinds of challenges, the least of which is paying bills! We've learned how hard it is to continue to have a growing marriage when you have an adopted child who you have to work so hard to help feel safe that you can't leave them to have a date night very easily. We're challenged to make our schedules work so that we can both earn money and coordinate child care and be all the places we need to be when we need to be there and still spend time as a family. And it'll get harder as Matthew starts school in January. But, we've also learned that God meets our needs and teaches us along the way.

What do I think of this life God has given us? Well, it's a grand adventure, and you never know what God is going to do. I never imagined that having Jude would be this good. I never knew God would give Matt a desire to go back to school or that He planned for me to teach at a college. Some people say that you only go around once, so grab for all the gusto you can. I say, you only go around once. Do it in the will of God and it'll be a great ride.