Sunday, December 28, 2008

Here's To My Great Men...

I am so fortunate to have several precious men in my life. This Christmas Matthew and Jude and I had some much-needed reclusive hibernation at home. It was so nice to be home...just the three of us...for a few days. One day, papa (Matthew) decided to occupy Jude so that I could do some sewing downstairs in preparation for Christmas with my parents and siblings on New Year's Day. As I was working away at (what I hope turns out to be) something wonderful for my mother, I had the pleasure of eavesdropping on a father and his son upstairs. Matthew is a super papa to Jude. He had told me that he won't call him "bud" because he doesn't want to be Jude's buddy; he has been called to be his father, and he takes that difference very seriously. I listened as the two of them ran all over the house wrestling and laughing and shouting and singing...and I heard Matthew teaching and Jude learning...and I felt so blessed. As Jude's mama, it's nice to be needed. But it's even nicer to have a spouse who is a partner, capitalizing on teachable moments even at Jude's young age to begin helping him grow into a man who loves Christ and loves people. Here's to my two special men...

And then there's Uncle Mike. Muko-Muh, as Jude calls him, is very special to us. He is so fun with Jude, and like Jude's papa, he's like a kid himself. He, too, loves Christ and is a teacher to our Jude, and Jude loves to spend time with him. One of Uncle Mike's specialties is scaring people, and I'm sure that as Jude feels safer and safer he will learn the art of leaving people breathless with fear as well...I'd better be on my toes. I'm sure mama will be the butt of many scaring jokes soon enough! Here's a picture of Uncle Mike being inducted into God-parenting. (Aunt LeAnn gave him diaper duty. Once he realized she was serious, he stepped up like a pro.)

Jude also has two wonderful grandfathers who love him dearly. He and Grandpa Bowen like "big people cups" and everytime Jude is with Grandpa Bowen he comes to him over and over to drink from his glass. He loves it because "Bah-pa's" glass is large enough so that the opening covers his whole face, so he can see the water as it comes toward his mouth. Grandpa Bowen has all kinds of plans to make a fort for Jude on his property (remember, Grandpa, he'll be expecting you to "camp out" with him), and help us teach Jude how to fish, and all sorts of other fun outdoor things.
Bah-pa Garrett finds great joy in babysitting his grandbabies, and he has been a blessing to us on several occassions as he's come to watch Jude during the day. He's great fun, as he never seems worried about what's on his list of things to do at home; rather, he just comes to play and enjoy time with Jude. He is a blessing to us!

I praise God for the men he's placed in Jude's life - and in mine!