Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hope for the sleepless!

Baby Jude is doing wonderfully. A couple of months ago we began taking him to see a chiropractor. We told her of his sleep issues, and she examined him. She found that several of his ribs were out of joint, and that was putting pressure on other vetebrae (it's all connected, of course). I asked her how those kinds of things happen, and she explained that it can happen during the trauma of birth, it can happen just in the normal falling and bumping that little ones do, and any other number of ways; most of the time, it can't really be pinpointed. Matthew and I decided that whether or not it improved his sleep, clearly those ribs needed to be put back where they belong, and better while he's little yet than years later in life. So, he began recieving adjustments. Amazing; within twenty-four hours he began to bang his head much less during the night. In fact, that first night, as we recall, he slept until about three in the morning before he started banging his head or rocking his body. We were tickled. He still cries out in the night most nights, and still picks his head up and lets it fall occassionally, but it's not anything so severe as the slamming and banging he for months after coming home. In fact, I think we're up to about five hours of sleep most nights...doesn't sound like alot, but we'll take it and praise the Lord for it!

Here's Jude waiting for his appointment:

Jude with Aunt LeAnn and Dr. Diane Riddle of Acorn Chiropractic in Hastings. We are so fortunate to have Dr. Diane for Jude. She is very good with him, always allowing him to check out the adjusting instruments so he can learn what she's doing and be comfortable. She's so good with little ones that often he doesn't even realize she's adjusting him!