Monday, May 11, 2009

Baby's First Road Trip - Bringing Back the Free Bird!

This one's photo intensive...

Well, we call Jude's Aunt Jessica the J-bird. She had moved to Tennessee to finish her undergraduate degree, and when she finally found a job here in Michigan so that she could come back, Jude and I and my parents went to Tennessee to get her. We like to joke that we clipper here little birdie wings so she wouldn't fly away again. Jude just adores her. He shouts her name "Jekkika!" until she comes to him or he finds her, and then shouts it some more - precious!
The trip to Tennessee was long (about twelve hours by the time we made our occasional stops), and Jude did great. He didn't really fuss until about the last three hours, and then Grandma kept him distracted with tickle games. Anyhow, here are some pictures from the road trip.

Riding, riding, riding...and kissing mama!

There was a park at Aunt Jessica's apartment complex...

and even Grandpa became a kid!

Jude learned to drive through the apartment complex. We can't tell who's having more fun here!

Shopping at Sportsman's Warehouse (and testing products with Aunt Jessica) was great fun. Grandpa and Grandma bought Jude his first fishing pole...a simple, good old fashioned cane pole - and we'll be breaking it in this Friday evening!

We had dinner with Aunt Jessica and her dear friends, Shameca and Courtney. (Don't tell anyone, but Jude and Courtney like to make eyes at one another!)

Resting for the trip home the next day.

Jude loved getting into the back of Grandpa's "big truck!" each time we stopped. We also ate lunch in the bed of the truck. It was a good way to contain Jude with all those vehicles zipping about!

Jude was so glad to get home to Papa after three days away.

What a trip!

We just love having Aunt Jessica home!