Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All Sorts of Wild Fun!

Sorry for the delay in posting! I'm just getting operational again after the hard drive crash. Check the previous posts, as I added a couple of photos. We're still working to recover the rest of our photos, but in the meantime...

By way of update, Jude continues to adjust very well. Aside from us, he's made connections with Uncle Mike and Aunt LeAnn, both of his grandmas, and he's starting to connect with one of his grandpas. This is really great stuff, and it's fun to watch. Our two big challenges are with food and sleep. He likes just about everything we put in front of him - even Brussels sprouts - so it's not that type of food challenge. His challenge comes from the experience of other kids taking anything he drops. So, if I even go to the counter he is beside himself because he's afraid that whatever food is up there he isn't going to get. Basically, if it isn't in his hands he's pretty certain he won't get to eat. His papa was blowing on his plate to cool his food one night and when Matt put his finger in Jude's squash to be sure it was cool enough, Jude pretty well came unglued.

Sleeping is up and down. When we have a big day, he sleeps fitfully through the night, banging his head on the mattress and crying in his sleep. Since his life is full of new experiences, we have a lot of "big days". Usually Sunday night is rough. He's getting pretty comfortable at church, because he sees Uncle Mike and Aunt LeAnn and both sets of grandparents there. But it's still a big building with a lot of people, so it's a big deal for him.

At home, however, he is good for all kinds of wild fun. And, we've been to pick apples because Jude loves applesauce! Enjoy the photos! (It was a little wet and chilly that day...thus the wrinkled up face!)