Monday, July 7, 2008

Progress! - 07/07/08

Phew! The days are flying by and I've neglected to update on our status with Immigration. My sister and I went there last was the strangest experience of my life. It's a bit of a different world there. At any rate, they finally processed our papers, (we got the verification sent by mail), sent them on to the National Visa Center, and the National Visa Center cabled (and sent via DHL) our paperwork to the US Consulate in Haiti. They have two or three weeks worth of work to do and then we'll get travel dates. At this point, we will probably not be traveling in July. Most likely it will be early August. The Detroit immigration office's inaction cost us about three weeks. It is what it is, however, and there's no point in dwelling on it. Onward and upward!

We've ordered a crib (which was a gift - what a blessing!), will be painting Jude's room in the next week or so, and this Saturday Mom G and I will be sewing away, getting Jude's crib bedding ready. That, and my master's class, and helping with Vacation Bible
School this week, and trying to run a business at the same time (oh - and filing more paperwork required at this point in the adoption) is keeping us very busy...there's certainly no lack of things to do!

Until next time, happy trails...