Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Getting Things Together...

While we don't yet have a green light for travel, we have started to get things together for the trip (and we must give a huge thank you, again, to the ladies of Orangeville Baptist Church, as much of what we've gathered to pack for Jude was given to us by them).

One of the things we are planning to take along is a suitcase (or two) full of donations for the orphans. This is partly to replenish some of what Jude has used while he has lived there, and partly just to support the work of GLA. Well, guess what? You can help!

There are several things the orphanage needs: clothing (esp. 18 mos. and over), 1-pc pajamas (esp. larger sizes), crib sheets, infant and children's vitamins, no-spill infant sippy cups, baby bottles (plastic w/regular nipples), nipples for regular bottles, disposable diapers, powdered formulas, baby thermometers, and school and craft supplies.

This is easy. First, this is a great time to get kid's summer clothing (remember that it's warm in Haiti all the time) on clearance and at garage sales. Also, this is back-to-school time in the coming weeks, so when you're at the store picking up school supplies for your kids, think about purchasing an extra package of pencils or crayons or other supplies. Last, next time you're out and about at the grocery super-store, check the baby section for discontinued/clearance crib sheets, bottles, etc. No one person needs to donate a lot, if we have several people willing to pick up a few dollars' worth of things.

To make this even more easy, you don't even have to bring us the stuff! We'll figure out a way to get to you to pick it up, or have it shipped to us.

We'd love to jam-pack the most humongous suitcase we can get our hands on. Won't you help us love on the kids at GLA, and support this fantastic ministry? Please consider it, and thanks, as always, for walking this journey along with us. It's a blessing and a joy to share it with you.