Thursday, March 6, 2008

Garrett Adoption Update - 03/06/08

I have been negligent in updating! We have many photos to share, as GLA has been sending our monthly updates as usual. First, here to your right is a belated Merry Christmas from Jude.

Oh - and since it's been so long, Happy New Year and Happy Valentine's Day from Jude as well. I must admit, I was a little taken aback at the pool photo because we got that update during one of our recent snow storms...and then I remembered how far away this little one is! They get to do that in know - swim in January.

Well, we've made it through the court system in Haiti, and are now just waiting for a couple more signatures before Jude's passport is applied for. We should be about done with the first of those two signatures, so we're hoping to have his passport application in to the Minister of the Interior by the end of this month.

We had news previously that passports were taking three to six months. They just were moving out of the MoI desperately slowly. However, we have heard word that three months is getting more and more realistic, and the GLA website continues to post updates that are positive in this area. Passports are coming out of MoI steadily now - Praise the Lord! At this point, we expect to go to Haiti in the summer. As always, we hope for earlier and expect later. That's just the way it works.

In the meantime, life goes on here in Michigan. Valerie has continued with her business, and while it's going well, she could use a bit more work. However, she loves being in business for herself! Matthew's workplace is experiencing some change and he's considering returning to school for a business degree.

Frankly, the winter has really nailed our pocketbooks. We've spent our Haiti travel money on our propane bills...ugh! You know, when you build a house and you have propane, the propane company comes and sets up a big "pig" in your yard...that's what they call the tank. Well, this winter it certainly has lived up to its name! We've used our fireplace quite a lot, and have enjoyed many cozy days because of it, but that pig just keeps eating.

We are trusting God to replace that money, and are doing what we can in the meantime, so if you feel moved to help bring Jude home, please click on the button to the left and make a donation! All monies collected will go directly toward his adoption costs.

We must say that we have been so blessed by knowing how many of you have been praying for us. Know that we do not take this for granted in the least. It's such a joy to know that we have so many interceding for us and for Jude. So, for you prayer warriors, please join us in the following...

We praise God for:
  • His continued provision financially as Valerie's business is so new
  • More people who want to hear our updates!
  • The adoption process is moving along again
  • Jude is healthy and happy

We pray that:
  • God would help us to raise the money we need to travel to Haiti and to finish paying for our adoption costs
  • We would be awarded two grants that we've applied for to help with the above (one is from Shaohannah's Hope, and the other is from The Gift of Adoption Fund)
  • God would give us wisdom as we consider where Matt should go to school and whether or not to sell our house
  • Valerie's business would grow
  • Passports would continue to move quicker and quicker out of the Minister of Interior's office

Thanks for reading! Until next time, enjoy these last few photos...does this look like a kid who's loving life or what?!

Matthew and Valerie