Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Garrett Adoption Update - 10/31/07

Family and Friends,

Greetings from the Garretts! Our last update was three months ago, and at that time our paperwork had just been logged into step one (IBESR) with the Haitian government. We are pleased to report that we have now, as of Monday (10/29), entered step two, which is called Parquet. Our paperwork went through IBESR in almost exactly three months…maybe just under that by a few days. IBESR had been taking about 3 – 4 months at our last update from Haiti, so we are very pleased with the speed at which our papers made it through. As you may remember, steps are:

IBESR (social services)

Parquet (courts)

Ministry of Interior (passports)

Visa application

We are glad to tell you that things still seem to be moving along in Haiti fairly well for the most part. Dossiers (paperwork packages) are coming out of various parts of the process and moving on to the next. It’s never as quick as anyone would like, but movement is good. Good news: per an update posted on the GLA website October 26, 15 dossiers had come out of the Ministry of Interior (passports) in the ten days prior. The Ministry of Interior has hired two additional people to help process paperwork.

Much has happened in the last three months. First, as many of you know, I am no longer with Herman Miller due to a recent restructure. As strange as that has been, Matthew and I are seeing God’s hand in it, as we had been praying for a long time for God to show us a way to get more flexibility into my schedule before the baby comes home. He has opened several doors for me to do work on a contract basis, and we are very excited about that. I am currently working to get my LLC papers sent in and get everything else in place (business insurance, etc.) by the beginning of December. So, don’t feel bad for me – I’ve wanted to start my own business for years, and lo and behold, I now have the time to do it! The Lord cleared my schedule completely! I’ve also been able to take the time to help my folks move after selling the house they raised us girls in. Thirty years worth of life takes some help to move, don’t you know!

We are also happy to report that our brother-in-law, Mike Fritz (Valerie’s sister’s husband) has accepted a call by our church to come on board as the Associate Pastor, and will be moving back to Michigan in mid-December. We are very excited about this! Mike and LeAnn are very dear to us…a gift from God, really. It will be very special for us to have them local again around the time when Jude comes home.

Otherwise, we are well. For you faithful praying ones, please see below:

We praise God for:

*Mike and LeAnn’s pending move to Michigan (pray for their Pennsylvania house to sell!)

*contract work for Valerie

*good and helpful friends He’s given us; we have extra appreciation for them in the midst of the job loss

We pray for:

*officials in the Haitian government; they are scheduled to vote on a new set of adoption laws in November, which is supposed to clarify and streamline the process quite a lot

*our dossier in Parquet; while we are glad it’s moved to that step, Parquet has become a bit of a ‘black hole’. Only GLA’s attorneys are allowed to communicate with Parquet, and even that is limited. GLA is not allowed to go there to check on dossiers without an invitation, and dossiers aren’t getting out of Parquet very quickly. There are some dossiers that have been stuck in Parquet since April and May of this year. Please pray for these families, as well as praying that ours doesn’t become one of the ‘stuck’ ones.

*Dixie, John, and the staff of GLA, particularly in light of the Parquet issues. They cannot tell anyone where their dossier is in Parquet, and I am sure this frustrates all.

*Chris and Lea – these are two new staff members at GLA and they are the ones who send our monthly updates; please pray for them as they settle in and make the transition to Haitian life

On to the fun stuff – photos! We have attached a sampling of the photos we’ve received in the last three months. The first is a photo of Jude looking at a photo of us; this is first time he’s seen us. We sent that picture enclosed in the box that contained his birthday gift (the rubber duck pictured). And, as you’ll see from the September photo, apparently he likes the water. The staff said he could have stayed in there all day if they had allowed. Also, at our last update, Jude was 21 lbs. 3 oz, and 27.5” long. He’s now 22 lbs 4 oz., and 29.25” long. Enjoy the pictures, and thanks to you all for your prayers and support.

Matthew and Valerie