"Ah-bey" - Obey! (one of our favorites, of course! Jude says this while patting his own bottom in a mock spanking)
"Ah-bedda!" - All better!
"Ah lah tu" - I love you
"Ah-wi!" - All right! (a Grandpa Garrett classic)
"Ahf-wa" - Au revior (good bye)
"Ah, tum-ahn" - Oh, come on! (another, courtesy of mama...you really need to watch it around these babes!)
"Appo" - apple
"Arretez" - arretez (stop)
"Ba-BOH!" - Bravo!
"Be-be" - baby
"Be-be Du" - baby Jude (that's what Jude calls himself in photographs)
"Bieh" - Bien! (good)
"Bhooh" - spoon
"Bood-dah!" - good job!
"Buh-dee" - bonne nuit (good night)
"Dacco mama" - D'accord mama (Okay mama)
"Deshuh" - Jesus
"Ess Gama?" - Where's Grandma? (Or Grandpa, depending on who's missing)
"Hep pee!" - Help, please! (another one we love...much better than the alternative, which is a loud, frustrated whine!)
"I-ya!" - Pick me up (always accompanied by outstretched arms)
"It a ni-ni" - Just a minute
"Jekkika" - Aunt Jessica
"Lu-wah" - Aunt LeAnn
"Me-ah-meh" - Amen!
"No" - snow
"Noh!" - No!
"Oh metty" - Oh mercy (one he picked up from mama)
"Oh nah" - Oh no
"Papa" - papa...for some reason always called out in either a whisper or a shout, never a regular speaking voice
"Pata Da" - Pastor Dan - our senior pastor, who Jude loves to give high-fives to and say "amen" with
"Ubb uh bebby" - Rub your belly
"Uh-ko-mah" - Uncle Mike
So, that's just a small sampling of our strange third language; he also knows most of his body parts, and several other words I'm sure I'm forgetting. Funny how we understand so much of this new non-language. I think Jude's training us in Judanese by immersion...the best way to learn a language!