"My thoughts: 'here-here' as they say after a good toast at a celebratory event. Boys...precious boys. You know, girls are cute and precious and cuddly and soft and lovely and ruffly. But, as it turns out, I am not a girl mama. I, by God's grace and provision, am a boy mama, and I'm so glad to be. Harder to raise? Well, I wouldn't know...you see, I don't know much about kids. I only know about 'kid' - my kid. He's all boy right to his core. He's a rough-and-tumble, shout-out-loud, running, tossing, throwing, wrestling boy to the very core.
What some people forget - the people who want softness and light and ruffles - is that boys also sing to you through the day, cuddle when they're sleepy, grin with mischief when they wrestle with their mamas (knowing they can't wrestle the same way they do with their papas), and kiss you awake in the morning if you're not getting up fast enough. Seems to me that I, a boy mama, have been given the best of both worlds. What more could I ask?"