Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Working with our congressman - 06/18/08

Well, the I600 we mentioned in a previous post has still not been processed and the issue is still not resolved. After a month of trying to get information out of USCIS (immigration) in Detroit and receiving only vague anemic responses, our caseworker has finally recommended that we go to our congressman as a last resort. I spent this morning gathering documentation and drafting a letter of consent (for privacy issues) to Fred Upton's office so that they could look into our case. Jude's passport will be printed sometime between this Friday and next (June 20 - 27), and if we do not have the I171 (which is the response to the I600), the whole thing will come to a stop. We need USCIS to process that I600 into an I171 in order to move on. If they do, we're within a month or so of traveling.

Monday I called the National Visa Center and they will not talk to me unless I have the file number off our I171, which we do not have from USCIS because they haven't processed the I600. USCIS is sending us to the National Visa Center. They will not acknowledge the lack of I171.

Our caseworker has been very specific with USCIS in what we are asking the status of and they have emailed in circles as they apparently do not understand the differences in their own forms. It's really quite amazing. They no longer allow people to drive to their office and just "show up" as they did years ago.

Needless to say, we are deeply frustrated, and need much prayer in this area. Pray that this will shake loose, and that in the meantime, we will wait and respond in a way that glorifies the Lord.

Bottom line: God is still on the throne and He is good, He knows our every need, and Jude is in His care as are we. We will choose to take a posture of worship in our hearts knowing that He is bigger than all of this. We are grateful for our case worker, Belinda, as well as for our congressman's office and his staff.

We'll keep you up to date as things progress. Thanks for your prayers - they are not taken for granted.