Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Update on the Situation in Haiti - 4/15/08

There has been word from the orphanage that things are indeed settling down in Haiti. The orphanage workers are able to move about again, government offices are open again, and adoptions are moving along. This is good news.

We continue to keep the country in our prayers. They are literally a starving country, with deep-seated economic and political problems. Last weekend the prime minister was ousted, and there have been reports of people in some of the slums eating "mud cookies" (dirt mixed with butter) to keep from starving to death.

There are parts of the world experiencing pain we cannot even imagine. The people of Haiti have been made in the likeness and image of God, just as all people. They are in deep need of compassion, aid, and sustainable infrastructure. Band-aids will not fix the woes of Haiti and its people. They need the hope of the true gospel, and the live sustaining blessing of an economy that can support its people.