Thursday, May 5, 2011

What's a Life Book?

There's a new venture on the move, inspired by Jude! Adoption facilitators encourage adoptive families to create life books for their children. It's similar in concept to a baby book; it captures the child's story in a keepsake format. However, when we looked into this...we didn't find much. There were a couple of options that were pretty anemic...few pages, black and white. Then there were the "guides" we found that encouraged families to either write the child's story (novel style!) or to scrapbook a life book.

As it turns out, there are a few books I'd like to write...but this isn't one of them (yet), and I am NOT a scrapper - and I have no aspirations to be!

So, we decided to publish a life book. Check it out!

Tell everyone you know in the adoption community! This is full-color, high-quality, fill-in style life book with 55 pages that you can insert in the order of your choosing. Our need prompted us to solve a problem...the adoption community has very few truly quality life book resources.

Thanks to Jude, we're trying to change that.