Thursday, March 12, 2009

Speaking Judanese

Many people have asked us if Jude understands English. There's not much, actually, that he doesn't understand in any language, as he reads body language and vocal inflection very well. He tries new words every day. We speak mostly English at home, but I also try to speak as much French as I can remember from the days when I was fluent years ago. Unfortunately, you sure lose it when there isn't anyone to speak the language to! Also, French seems to still be very soothing to him in a meltdown. But the reality is, we are actually tri-lingual in our is a small portion of the French/English/Judanese language:

"Ah-bey" - Obey! (one of our favorites, of course! Jude says this while patting his own bottom in a mock spanking)
"Ah-bedda!" - All better!
"Ah lah tu" - I love you
"Ah-wi!" - All right! (a Grandpa Garrett classic)
"Ahf-wa" - Au revior (good bye)
"Ah, tum-ahn" - Oh, come on! (another, courtesy of really need to watch it around these babes!)
"Appo" - apple
"Arretez" - arretez (stop)
"Ba-BOH!" - Bravo!
"Be-be" - baby
"Be-be Du" - baby Jude (that's what Jude calls himself in photographs)
"Bieh" - Bien! (good)
"Bhooh" - spoon
"Bood-dah!" - good job!
"Buh-dee" - bonne nuit (good night)
"Dacco mama" - D'accord mama (Okay mama)
"Deshuh" - Jesus
"Ess Gama?" - Where's Grandma? (Or Grandpa, depending on who's missing)
"Hep pee!" - Help, please! (another one we love...much better than the alternative, which is a loud, frustrated whine!)
"I-ya!" - Pick me up (always accompanied by outstretched arms)
"It a ni-ni" - Just a minute
"Jekkika" - Aunt Jessica
"Lu-wah" - Aunt LeAnn
"Me-ah-meh" - Amen!
"No" - snow
"Noh!" - No!
"Oh metty" - Oh mercy (one he picked up from mama)
"Oh nah" - Oh no
"Papa" - papa...for some reason always called out in either a whisper or a shout, never a regular speaking voice
"Pata Da" - Pastor Dan - our senior pastor, who Jude loves to give high-fives to and say "amen" with
"Ubb uh bebby" - Rub your belly
"Uh-ko-mah" - Uncle Mike

So, that's just a small sampling of our strange third language; he also knows most of his body parts, and several other words I'm sure I'm forgetting. Funny how we understand so much of this new non-language. I think Jude's training us in Judanese by immersion...the best way to learn a language!