Monday, September 29, 2008

Adjustments for baby....

For being here just a week, Jude is doing well, but overall he's had some challenges adjusting. He feels very safe in our house with Matthew and I, but anytime we go out of the house with him to visit church or anything else, we generally can expect a major episode either that day or the day after as he cries and just laments. I have held him through more than one forty minute crying session. Our hearts break for him.

On Monday evening, he went into mourning for a full twenty-four hours. He had a horrible crying session on Monday night, and then on Tuesday he literally sat on my lap the entire day either crying, sleeping, or just sucking his finger and staring at the wall. He only ate a little bit at lunch, and was just very sullen all day. In the evening, he started to perk up a little, and he's been off and on since. We are very watchful that he doesn't get overwhelmed.

Adoption is a wonderful thing, but it can be very difficult on the child for the first few weeks and months. To us, we have a wonderful addition to our family. To him, he's been kidnapped by strangers. One of the best things we can do for him is to "protect him" from so many wonderful and well-intentioned people who want so badly to touch him, because that's too scary for him. We've been as careful as possible to keep him away from crowds.

However, when he's at home and feeling safe he is a real scream. He's so fun and brings such delight. He is all boy, through and through, just how God made him: he likes to beat, throw, kick, push, chase and wrestle - and all of those things just delight him!

As soon as we have the computer with our photos back, we'll post some so you can see his fun little face!

Fly Away Home...

We had a wonderful experience while in Haiti. If you are looking for an organization to support, GLA is worthy of every penny or prayer. It's a wonderful place. We were able to tour the orphanage while we were there, and the nanny's love the little ones so very much. There are so many babies...

Jude was mostly quiet while we were in country, but every time we passed the balcony where the babies play each day, he would wave at them and talk and talk until they were out of sight again. He also chattered and came alive a bit when we went shopping with some of the street vendors in town. He pointed and chattered and touched things.

We kept him in a sling made for children up to 35 pounds, and he loved it (and still does when he's not feeling so secure). It was a blessing to have.

Saturday, September 20th was our big travel day home, and Jude was great on the airplanes! We were amazed. As long as he was attached to me, he either slept or looked around or munched some snacks...he was nervous on several occasions throughout the day, but he never cried in fear. It was a blessing and an answer to so many prayers. We had visions of a terrified child crying through each and every leg of the journey, and God had a different plan thankfully!

We were met at the airport by the grandparents and godparents, and all were blessed. We'll post more photos as we're able. The computer with all our photos experienced a hard drive crash on Thursday and is being worked on as we speak...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oh, The Tales We Could Tell...

We are back from Haiti. There wasn't much time to post to the blog while we were there, so now my mind is in overdrive trying to decide what to tell you all because there's so much. Maybe I'll post it little by little...

We're so thankful to all of you for your donations for GLA; They filled three suitcases to the max. After flying away with more luggage than we've ever traveled with, we arrived in Haiti on Thursday and our arrival and trip to GLA was a real sensory experience. Haiti is just so very different that anywhere else we know. It's a sad place with pockets of joy. Upon our arrival at GLA, we met Jude for the first time. It's funny...neither of us had any nerves. Jude has been ours in our hearts and minds for so long that going to get him just felt like the most natural thing to do; I say we met him physically because we've known this child since we first saw him. He delights us, but he doesn't surprise us.

He had his first major meltdown just a couple of hours after we had him. He wouldn't eat any lunch, and when we took him to our room in the guest house at GLA for nap time, I put him up on the bunk to take his shoes off and he let loose with cries of terror. Poor creature was utterly people, new place (the children don't even see the guest house), nothing very familiar. I held him as he cried inconsolably, then gave him to Matt while I looked for something we'd brought in his diaper bag. I slipped into the bathroom to get him a tissue and the fear screams got louder, so I came and took him back from Matthew and he shut off like a switch. From that point on, he was attached to Mama, and I've hardly been able to put him down since. It was such a blessing to us that he bonded with one of us so quickly, but it's been a little hard for Matthew, as Jude has still not connected with him. After that, the only way we could get him to fall asleep was on me...

I'll post more later...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Get on the Airplane - Fly Away!

Good morning!

This is our last post before heading to Haiti. We are so thankful for all of you. We have prayed often this last week for God's provision, and He has certainly provided - through so many of you! We are overwhelmed with gratitude for all of you who are so excited with us.

Thanks to you, we packed three huge suitcases FULL (as in jammed full) of donations. It was so fun to pack all of those things as we thought of all the kids who will be using them.

We'll be flying out at 3:40 this afternoon from Grand Rapids to Dallas to Ft. Lauderdale. We spend the night tonight in Ft. Lauderdale and fly to Haiti in the morning.

We'll leave Haiti Saturday afternoon, flying first to Miami (where we'll go through immigration with Jude), then to Chicago, then home late.

Thanks for praying. Watch the blog - if we can post photos we will!

Until we return...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Praises and Prayers

Good Morning Friends and Family -

As we prepare to travel, we want to share our hearts with you all in terms of praises and prayer requests in the hope that you will join us in them in the coming days.

We thank God for:
  • Already having a visa, so soon after the orphan investigation meeting! We (and our caseworker) are amazed at this. It surely must be a God move.
  • Our caseworker, Belinda. I've just spent the last forty minutes or so talking with her, and she's guiding us along in our preparation for travel. We've often said that when you pay an agency fee, you aren't hiring someone to "do your adoption". Your paying for administration and getting a dear friend and confidante in return. We continue to be grateful to God for Belinda, who is dear to us not only for her "official" role in our lives, but for her heart as well.
  • John and Dixie Bickel, and the staff at GLA. These folks are so diligent. Because of them, we don't even have to go to the consular office when we're in Haiti. They've done everything for us. And they've cared for and loved our son for the last two years.
  • The gift of adoption. Obviously conceiving a child is different than this. But it couldn't possibly be better. No one will ever convince us that Jude is not our son. God has been too faithful for us to ever believe that he's not ours.
Please join us in prayer for:
  • Our travel preparation. We have lots of packing and planning to do, people to call, plans to make...phew!
  • Time management! We have much to do in the next week (less than that!) We have class assignments, projects to grade (for Valerie's teaching work), work, packing, planning, and much more. Please pray that we would be wise with our time and that we would be able to accomplish all that we need to before we go.
  • Our time when we arrive home. So many will want to see Jude, and we want that, too. However, we've been strongly advised by our caseworker to dramatically limit introductions to new people as part of Jude's transition. Our airport welcoming party will be very small, and there are many who we'll want to visit once we've been home for a couple of days. Please pray that we'll be wise, and that Jude will adjust well and attach to us quickly.
  • The people of Haiti. The news reported that about 150 people died as a result of hurricane Hanna. The reality is that 300 people in one region of the country died. We don't have a total number. But the devastation is extensive and I'm sure we'll see some of it when we're there. Please pray for food for the people, houses to be rebuilt, etc.
  • For more donations! We'd love to take as much as possible with us. See the previous post if you want to help!
Thanks to all - we'll be posting as we have more!

Getting Packed - Donations, Donations, Donations!

Well, we're starting to get our heads together a bit, and we'd like to send out a last call for donations. We have quite a few items that we're taking along (see the photo - the left is Jude's, the right is donations!). However, we've been asked what the orphanage still needs in terms of donations we can take down. So, here's a list:

  • baby thermometers
  • powdered formulas
  • powdered premature high calorie formulas (22kcal or 24kcal per oz)
  • disposable diapers
  • clothes - especially for 18 mos and older (Remember, GLA has children up to their teens; one of the things they're especially low on right now is clothing for girls older than 18 mos.)
  • infant and children's vitamins (there are never enough of these, so we'll take all we can)

We are so grateful to those of you who have already donated. For any who still want to, please let us know, and we'll figure a way to collect your items by Wednesday of next week (9/17).

Also, please know that the clothing need not be new. If you have children with clothing that is in good condition and they've grown out of it, we'd love to take it down.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Time to Go!

Hi All!

Here's what we thought would happen: a message telling us how the orphan investigation went, then another message in a couple of weeks with travel dates a couple of weeks out from that.

Here's what actually happened: a message today with travel dates of 9/18 - 9/20! Jude's visa is complete...apparently on the same day as the orphan investigation - we have no idea how that happened other than to say that we asked God for His hand in the orphan investigation and He answered with a resounding "yes"!

We'll post more later. We have to run now - plans, phone calls, etc....! Thanks to all for walking with us!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good News - Orphan Investigation Update

We have received word from our caseworker that Jude's birth mother has been found and that the orphan investigation has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 9. We praise God for this development. Please join us in prayer that in light of all the hurricane woes, everyone including Jude's birth mother will make it to the appointment. Please also pray that the appointment goes without incident and that the US Consulate approves Jude's visa in short order.

Hurricane Season - in Full Swing!

As I'm sure you have heard in the news, Haiti has been pounded with hurricanes this season. Gustav was weathered well but Hanna brought a little more destruction to the area of our orphanage, God's Littlest Angels. See below, from the blog Bethany keeps on GLA:

"GLA is really noticing the presence of Hurricane Hanna. We just received an email from GLA. They are experiencing really high winds, but little rain. They were not expecting to be hit, and even right now, is not reporting much impact on Haiti. However, this is not the case. A couple of the metal panels providing cover over the balcony where the children play and the balcony where the children eat their meals have flown off. As well, the solar panels have flown off of the toddler house. The toddler house gate has also been lost. Inside all GLA buildings though, everyone is safe. Please be in prayer for GLA and for all others in Haiti who are being hit hard by Hurricane Hanna."

Then yesterday, posted on the GLA website:

"Hurricane Hannah brought destruction to Haiti last night, September 2nd. Gonaive had flooding with some deaths reported. Our area sustained downed trees, toppled brick walls, and roads blocked. People are already out cutting the trees blocking the roads. Our metal roofs got blown off the house and we lost the internet dish at the Toddler House. The wind was blowing so hard the rain came in around the closed windows of the orphanage and flooded our dining room table and floor! There seems to be as many leaves inside the house as outside! Thankfully, we are all safe and God kept us from harm. Now we just have to clean up from the storm. This was much worse than any storm we have personally seen in the 17 years we have lived in Haiti."

Please be in prayer for GLA and the Haitian people. Ike is next, and Josephine right after. The storms seems to be just lined up and coming in, like planes waiting to land at an airport.