Friday, May 30, 2008

Thoughts for May - 05/30/08

This update includes a multitude of random thoughts...enjoy!
The Chapmans:
First, some of you may have heard that Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman lost their youngest adopted daughter, Maria, after she was accidentally run over in the family's driveway. This family has been a consistent voice for adoption throughout the world, calling God's people everywhere to fulfill the scriptural exhortation to care for orphans and widows. The tragedy of losing a child is unimaginable, and as I listened to the news reports I couldn't help but think of Job 1:21: "..."Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." Job had just lost everything and everyone except his wife...literally. He lost his possessions (including those which were his livelihood), his riches, every one of his children, his property, and then lost his health. And still the Lord was to be praised.

Strangely, I had just heard a message from Dr. David Jeremiah, calling parents to show their faith to their children by how we respond when our family experiences trial; those responses...reveal the reality (or lack) of our faith. As I prayed for the Chapmans, I couldn't help but wonder what God will ask Matthew and I to respond to throughout our lives, knowing that Jude will be watching and learning, and I couldn't help but ask God to give us grace for what moments our future holds so that Jude would learn the lesson we want him to learn: that God is good, His Word is truth, and our circumstances cannot change that no matter what they are.
Incidentally, the Chapmans are asking for donations to their adoption charity:, in lieu of cards and condolences, etc.

The Shiras:
This month also brought the news that the Shira family (also adopting from GLA) received approval for their girls' passports! We rejoice with them - fabulous! They are a dear couple with two boys and they are adopting three darling sisters from GLA: Their girls' passports were applied for the week before Jude's. Maybe we'll hear something soon! Congratulations Shiras!
Well, there have been personnel changes at GLA recently, so we're so amazed that these fantastic people even did updates this month...the energy they must have! We didn't get as much detail as usual, but we did get pictures, and those are most delightful anyway. :)

Jude hasn't gained weight, and he's only grown about 1/4", but his weight is redistributing and he looks much longer! This child is growing, and it won't be long now before he's growing here at home. We still hope to travel this summer, so it will be fun at the end of the summer to pick the garden with him and teach him that food comes from God and the ground He gave us...not Meijer! Grandma Dawn already has a book created with bright pictures of all kinds of vegetables so she can help teach him.
Check out this month's photos:

So that's our (long!) baby.

This month:

Earlier this month I (Valerie) went to Tennessee for the graduation of my youngest sister, and then to Pennsylvania for the graduation of our brother-in-law. College graduations...always inspiring. In Tennessee I was able to learn to braid and twist African hair. My baby sis has a friend who is a master at it. Thanks Courtney!

Hopefully soon we can tell you all that Jude's passport is approved. Until then...