Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Garrett Adoption Update - 08/01/07

Family and Friends,

It seems that just after we send an update, we get more information...maybe I should send one every week! Just kidding – I wouldn’t do that to your inbox. However, we really do have new news to share.

First, shortly after we sent the update last week, our excellent caseworker called to let us know that our paperwork had (within the last two days) been entered at IBESR! This is great news. Although we thought this had happened several weeks earlier, and it now means that it could be February before Jude comes home, we’re still grateful to know where the paperwork is and we’re on board with God’s perfect timing for all of it. By the way, we’re still praying for Christmas!

Second, things seem to be “shaking loose” in the Haitian government with adoption paperwork, and this is a real encouragement. The day we sent the last update, an update was also posted on GLA’s website. You’ll remember that there are basically four steps to the process after all the paperwork has been compiled and those are: IBESR, Parquet (a two step portion of the process – Parquet then courts), Ministry of the Interior (passports), then Visa application. The posting on the website stated that in the week preceding our last message:

11 passports were released (that 1/3 of what had been stuck there for months)

5 dossiers completed their course in IBESR

3 children were able to go home with their forever families

4 more families were coming to pick up children within the week.

Another update was posted July 26 and stated that President Preval was displeased with all the adoption troubles and had put pressure on IBESR, Parquet, and MoI to get the glitches resolved quickly and get things moving again. Then, late on the 26th an additional message was posted stating that 11 dossiers had moved out of civil court (a part of the Parquet portion of the process)! All of this is very encouraging.

Last, when we got home yesterday there was an update just for us. Lea and Chris are the couple who has just started at GLA and are responsible for paperwork and updates. Jude is now 21 lbs 3 oz, and 27.5” long. New photos were attached as well, with a promise for a more detailed update next time. God bless Lea! She’s only been there a few short weeks and Chris won’t be able to join her until September, and we are so thankful that she took the time to get an update for us. The new photos are attached. Thanks for your continued prayers. Happy Wednesday!

Matthew and Valerie